a. The Social Network
b. The King's Speech
c. True Grit
d. 127 Hours
e. Inception
f. none of the above: some other film will win
The film about overcoming adversity had to overcome adversity to best the late favorite The Social Network for American filmdom's top prize. The answer to Question 5 in the 2011 Prognostication Quiz and the winner of the 2011 Academy Award for best picture is b. The King's Speech.
Sixteen contestants guessed this correctly, besting the seventeen who found Mark Zuckerberg's tale more compelling than King George VI's and also the twenty who took a flier on an underdog in the form of answers C, D, E, or F.
The Oscar V-V-Victors:
Chris M.
Cameron M.
Rachel F.
Leader Board

Ekrem has stunned the competition with his third point out of five questions. After three years, his "spell something" strategy for choosing entries has finally starting to pay off with his currently brilliant slate of answers, "BAD ABBA FED LEVIS."
Celebrating the concept, the photo above is the top result of a Google Images search for "BAD ABBA." The photo title is The really bad Abba imitators and is in a folder titled Knoeble's Grove [sic], which is an amusement park in Pennsylvania. You can almost hear the tuba visible in the background laying down a woefully inadequate disco bass line.
3 Ekrem
2 Valerie
2 Dave
2 Marcus
2 Lorraine
2 Paul
2 Chris M.
2 Pete C.
1 Zoe
1 Collette
1 Ron
1 Jeff
1 Cherie
1 Sarah
1 Rich
1 Ryan
1 Jo
1 Rachel H.
1 Russell
1 Cameron M.
1 Rachel F.
1 Katie
1 Claire&Craig
1 Kevin
1 Ellen
1 Missy
1 Larry
1 Adrian
1 Leanne
1 Cameron L.
0 Ted
0 Chris C.
0 Jan
0 Matthew
0 Tina
0 Beth
0 Eric
0 Grant
0 Janet
0 Todd
0 Peter B.
0 Zhiqi
0 Michael
0 Nadir
0 Craig
0 Gloria
0 Megan
0 Keila
0 Stacey
0 Ben
0 Liz
This should also serve as a wake-up call for those of us who have yet to score a point. With the Question 5 returns, the median score has shifted from zero to one. The 21 of us with zero points (out of the 53 entrants) are now below average by mean or median. We aren't even the mode anymore, since 22 entrants have one point.
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