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2010 Prognostication Quiz, #9 Storms and #10 Polls

Question 9

In the spirit of the twelve days of Christmas, ended with twelve Atlantic hurricanes this year, making the correct answer E. 10 to 12 to Question 9 in the 2010 Prognostication Quiz. Only three people predicted this:


True, it was an El Nino year, but many climate scientists (including Quiz entrant Marcus, who predicted C. 6 to 7) thought that other prevailing factors would keep the total number of hurricanes down. Kudos to the three who predicted otherwise. Kevin and Pamela are having rather forgettable performances in this year's quiz, but Ron has catapulted himself back into the lead with his bold prediction.

Question 10

The Republican caucus gained 63 seats in the house and 6 seats in the Senate, making A. 40 or more seats the answer to Question 10 in 2010 Prognostication Quiz

Only a measly two people correctly predicted the scale of the GOP drubbing. One of them was my father Larry, one of our nation's most strident Republicans. The other was last year's winner Matthew, with an apparent Tocquevillesque sense of how America works despite being foreign born.

Leader Board

It's Ron leading the pack by a nose going into the final two weeks of the year! Ryan is very close, behind by a point, and followed by Missy, Larry, and Rachel H. at two behind.

8 Ron
7 Ryan
6 Missy
6 Larry
6 Rachel H.
5 Gloria
5 Janet
5 Adrian
5 Craig
5 Zoe
5 Russell
5 Rich
5 Matthew
5 Janette
4 Peter II
4 Katie
4 Carol
4 Marcus
3 Ellen
3 Keila
3 Topher
3 Polly
3 Beth K.
3 Eric
3 Michael A.
3 Beth Z.
3 Valerie
3 Todd
3 Leanne
3 Kevin
3 Liz
3 Stephanie
3 Megan
3 Cameron
3 Pamela
3 Ekrem
3 Mary C.
2 Cherie
2 Chris C.
2 Rachel F.
2 Nad
2 Sarah
2 Grant
2 Mary A.
2 Jan
2 Zhiqi
1 Jeff
1 Peter
1 Ben
1 Christopher T.
1 Tina
1 Mike F.

Question 11

No doubt the answer to this question has been pretty much determined by now. I have yet to do the calculations, however. I forgot to note the hockey and basketball standings on January 1 so that I could subtract them from the end-of-year standings. I am hoping to find a web site that will allow me to figure out the January 1, 2010 standings so I can enter them into a spreadsheet and calculate the answer.

Question 12

The Dow Jones Industrial Index is hovering right around 11,500, which is the border between answer E and F. Things could get very exciting at the end of the year, since Ron picked E and Ryan picked F. The possibility of one final, wintry death also looms large and could (with the help of Question 11) catapult even Missy, Larry, or Rachel H. into the lead. Stay tuned for an exciting finish!


  1. Kevin and I are having rather forgettable performances, aren't we, but apparently we can predict hurricanes.


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