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2016 Prognostication Quiz: Questions 5, 6, and 7

5. Writing (April 18)

Fourteen of the 21 Pulitzer Prizes are awarded for journalism. Some awards are given to the newspaper as a whole and some are given to individual reporters, but the newspaper is always mentioned. If an award is shared, both newspapers are considered to be named. The winners of the past 16 years are listed (ties are possible).

Which newspaper will win the most Pulitzers?
a. The Washington Post (5)
b. The New York Times (7)
c. The Wall Street Journal (3)
d. The Los Angeles Times (5)
e. another news organization will be named the most times (0)

Four organizations tied this year for the most Pulitzer Prizes, with two apiece: The New York Times, the Boston Globe, the Tampa Bay Times, and the New Yorker. This means that the correct answers to Question 5 of the 2016 Prognostication Quiz is B and E.

B was a popular answer, chosen by 23 of the 46 entrants. E was the least popular answer, with no one picking the under-underdog.

The Winning Half
Liz K.
Nadir Y.
Stacey C.
Rachel H.
Sarah T.
Stuart P.
Michael A.
Marcus S.
Ramy Y.
Collette T.
Katie M.
Adrian C.
Zhiqi Q.
Sarah S.
Russell V.
Matthew D.
Sarah M.
Gloria T.
Ben S.
Eric M.
Janet C.
Keila B.
Peter B.
Aidan M.
Stephanie A.

6. Republicans (July 18)

Right now, Donald Trump leads in the current preference polls, but Marco Rubio is the favorite to win in the end on some betting platforms. Who will win out at the Republican National Convention this year in Cleveland, Ohio?

Who will win the Republican nomination?
a. Marco Rubio
b. Donald Trump
c. Ted Cruz
d. Jeb Bush
e. Chris Christie
f. Ben Carson
g. John Kasich
h. Mike Huckabee
i. Carly Fiorina
j. Rand Paul
k. a dark horse (anyone else)

Donald Trump was just crowned as Republican nominee at the Republican National Convention in Cleveland. This means the answer to Question 6 of the 2016 Prognostication Quiz is B. The most popular answer (17 entrants) was A. Special Kudos to the eight who got it right when so many (and I mean MANY) experts and pundits got it flat wrong.

Trump is trump
Stacey C.
Stuart P.
Chris M.
Collette T.
Adrian C.
Gemma D.
John E.
Janet C.

7. Democrats (July 25)

Right now, Hillary Clinton has a commanding lead in the polls, betting markets, and endorsement count. That said, she also had a commanding lead (though not quite this large) around this time eight years ago. Who will win out at the Democratic National Convention this year in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania?

Who will win the Democratic nomination?
a. Hillary Clinton
b. Bernie Sanders
c. Martin O'Malley
d. a dark horse (anyone else)

Hillary will be crowned next week at the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia. This means the answer to Question 7 of the 2016 Prognostication Quiz is A. A crazy 40 out of 46 entrants chose A. This is by far the least interesting question the Quiz has ever had. (I figure that the more people who pick fewer options make it a less interesting question from the standpoint of trying to outscore your opponents and win the Quiz.)

Here are those who picked someone other than Hillary. If your name is NOT on this list, you get a point:

We're NOT with Her
Ben S. (B)
Stephanie A. (B)
Chris C. (B)
Miriam S. (C)
Janet C. (D)
Zachary S. (D)

Leader Board

Liz K. retains her one-point lead over her closest competition. Last time she was battling Grant M. and Nadir Y. in a tie for second place. Grant M. has faded back to a tie for fourth place, but Stacey C. has catapulted himself up even with Nadir Y. to assist in breathing down Liz. K.'s neck.

Next up is the Olympics. The top 9 on the Leader Board all picked A. United States with the exception of Chris M. who picked C. Russia. Perhaps he knew about how much the Russian teams were being doped with performance-enhancing drugs. Now that much of the team has been banned, he may find it harder to profit from that insider knowledge.

16Liz K.
25Nadir Y.
35Stacey C.
44Rachel H.
54Sarah T.
64Chris M.
74Stuart P.
84Grant M.
94Michael A.
103Marcus S.
113Ramy Y.
123Gemma D.
133Collette T.
143Ellen Y.
153Katie M.
163Adrian C.
173Zhiqi Q.
183Tina A.
193Sarah S.
203Larry A.
213Russell V.
223Matthew D.
233Pete C.
243Sarah M.
252Valerie M.
262Gloria T.
272Ben S.
282Cameron M.
292Dave S.
302Eric M.
312Rachel F.
322Peter B.
332Aidan M.
342Janet C.
352Keila B.
362Dylan S.
372John E.
382Ron D.
391Jeff C.
401Stephanie A.
411Adam K.
421Jason C.
431Zachary S.
441Missy A.
450Chris C.
460Miriam S.
Despite all the point scored this year, Chris C. and Miriam S. remain with no points. This is quite impressive. It's anyone's game as they continue their race to the bottom.


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