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2011 Prognostication Quiz: Question 8, Golf

Question 8, Golf.
Tiger Woods has won 14 Major Championships in the past 14 years, but he has not won any in the past two years. Will he ever win again? Or is he washed up? Pick only one answer. (Ties are possible.)

Which Major Championship will Tiger win?
a. the Masters in April (4)
b. the US Open in June (3)
c. the British Open in July (3)
d. the PGA Championship in August (4)
e. Tiger will win no Championships

Tiger had an awful year and didn't even make the cut for the PGA Championship last weekend. This will not surprise the 19 entrants who realized that Tiger was no longer capable of finding his happy place. This makes the answer to Question 8 in the 2011 Prognostication Quiz e. Tiger will win no Championships.

The Elin sympathizers:

Rachel H.
Cameron M.
Rachel F.

The 19 votes for this question was the biggest voting bloc of the entire quiz for questions with more than three answers. Perhaps it was a bad question.

In stark contrast, Ekrem was the only one to choose F. None of the above. He perhaps failed to realize that none of the above is logically impossible, requiring Tiger not to win any of the four Majors while simultaneously not not winning at least one Major. I didn't even list F as an option. Perhaps Ekrem understood the risks involved but decided it was worth the sacrifice in the name of art in order to have his answers spell out "BAD ABBA FED LEVIS."

Leader Board

The six-way tie we had last week was broken in favor of Marcus and Jo, who have stepped their way up to a two-way tie for first on the broken back of Tiger Woods.

Come the Peace Prize announcement in October, Marcus will occupy first place on his own if the winner did "international" deeds. Jo will advance instead if the winner aided "democracy." (They will advance together in the case of "international democracy.") Adrian will advance to a three-way tie for first if "rights" are involved, and Ryan will advance to the three-way tie if a geographical region is mentioned. Cherie and Ekrem can advance to a four-way tie if the result is "peaceful." No chance of first for Paul and Russell, who picked "international" along with Marcus.

5 Marcus
5 Jo
4 Adrian
4 Paul
4 Russell
4 Ryan
4 Cherie
4 Ekrem
3 Cameron L.
3 Liz
3 Pete C.
3 Megan
3 Lorraine
3 Michael
3 Grant
3 Matthew
3 Valerie
3 Jan
3 Jeff
3 Ron
2 Chris M.
2 Stacey
2 Craig
2 Ellen
2 Kevin
2 Claire&Craig
2 Katie
2 Zhiqi
2 Rachel F.
2 Cameron M.
2 Rachel H.
2 Dave
2 Tina
2 Rich
2 Collette
2 Zoe
1 Leanne
1 Ben
1 Gloria
1 Larry
1 Missy
1 Todd
1 Janet
1 Eric
1 Beth
1 Chris C.
1 Sarah
1 Ted
0 Keila
0 Nadir
0 Peter B.

The race for the bottom has gotten tighter, as Gloria finally delivered on a question and climbed out of the basement. Whipping-girl Keila has reordered herself out of absolute last, though, thanks to the recent turnaround on Wall Street. Peter B. inherits her spot in dead last.


  1. Russell5:11 PM

    I guess I deserve to be mathematically eliminated. Why on Earth did I think Tiger would pull out a win this year? Still, that seemed more probable than the neutralization of bin Laden, and I got that right. Until next year...

  2. Leanne9:06 PM

    Darn. If I hadn't been putting "B" for every answer, I would have gotten this one right.


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