I apologize to everyone for being so tardy in posting this blog post. The 2011 prizes were announced at 8:30 a.m. on April 18. As it turns out, that was 6 hours and 8 minutes after my second son was born, so I have been somewhat busy with the toddler-infant combo in recent days.

a. The Washington Post
b. The New York Times
c. The Wall Street Journal
d. The Los Angeles Times
e. another paper will be named the most times
It was a close one this year! The New York Times and the Los Angeles Times each won two Pulitzers this year, besting the Wall Street Journal and the Washington Post, with just one prize apiece. That means the answer to Question 6 in the 2011 Prognostication Quiz is a tie between answer answers B and D. Details are at the Pulitzer Prize website.
Times readers of the New York variety:
Ekrem, Marcus, Jo, Paul, Pete C., Russell, Cherie, Claire&Craig, Michael, Zoe, Cameron L., Jan, Liz, Matthew, Tina, Beth, Grant, Chris C., Janet, Todd, Zhiqi, Craig, Megan, Stacey, and Ben.
Times readers of the Los Angeles variety:
Rich, Ellen, Ron, and Ted.
The New York Times got a lot of votes for a question that recent history suggests was a toss-up, more or less, for the top four answers: 24 of the 51 entrants picked answer B. Is this just due to the NYT's higher profile? Or were people just wowed by the journalistic output of the Gray Lady last year?
Missy was the only person who went out on a limb and picked "none of the above," and she came much closer to winning than I thought possible!
a. The US conducts an overt military action against North Korea.
b. China conducts an overt military action against Taiwan.
c. Japan announces it has acquired a nuclear weapon.
d. Iran conducts a nuclear weapons test.
e. Osama bin Laden is captured or neutralized.
f. An internationally recognized Palestinian state is established.
g. The United Kingdom announces its intention to join the euro.
h. Any country announces its intention to drop the euro.
i. The US establishes a cap-and-trade system for emissions.
j. BP files for bankruptcy in the US.
k. A magnitude 9.0 earthquake occurs.
l. Higgs-Boson particle is observed to a confidence of five sigma.
Another of the rare events from Question 11 also occurred recently, following up on the magnitude 9.0 earthquake in Japan. It did not get a lot of press, so many of you may not have heard, but Osama bin Laden was neutralized (not captured) a week ago. That means those that chose answer E are now one point richer. The Abbottabad activists:
4 Marcus
4 Ekrem
3 Cherie
3 Jo
3 Russell
3 Lorraine
3 Paul
3 Pete C.
2 Zoe
2 Ron
2 Rich
2 Jan
2 Valerie
2 Ryan
2 Dave
2 Claire&Craig
2 Kevin
2 Ellen
2 Michael
2 Adrian
2 Liz
2 Chris M.
2 Cameron L.
1 Ted
1 Collette
1 Jeff
1 Sarah
1 Chris C.
1 Matthew
1 Tina
1 Rachel H.
1 Beth
1 Grant
1 Janet
1 Todd
1 Cameron M.
1 Rachel F.
1 Zhiqi
1 Katie
1 Missy
1 Larry
1 Craig
1 Megan
1 Stacey
1 Ben
1 Leanne
0 Eric
0 Peter B.
0 Nadir
0 Gloria
0 Keila
If you've scrolled down this far, you also see that not many people still have zero points. Only five have been shut out through the first four months of the year. Good luck to Eric, Peter B., Nadir, Gloria, and Keila in avoiding the embarrassment of finishing dead last in the quiz. It seems like Keila is in particular danger, picking the least bullish tiebreaker in what seems will be a bullish year for the Dow Jones index. Poor Keila.

Question 6. Writing
Which newspaper will win the most Pulitzers?a. The Washington Post
b. The New York Times
c. The Wall Street Journal
d. The Los Angeles Times
e. another paper will be named the most times
It was a close one this year! The New York Times and the Los Angeles Times each won two Pulitzers this year, besting the Wall Street Journal and the Washington Post, with just one prize apiece. That means the answer to Question 6 in the 2011 Prognostication Quiz is a tie between answer answers B and D. Details are at the Pulitzer Prize website.
Times readers of the New York variety:
Ekrem, Marcus, Jo, Paul, Pete C., Russell, Cherie, Claire&Craig, Michael, Zoe, Cameron L., Jan, Liz, Matthew, Tina, Beth, Grant, Chris C., Janet, Todd, Zhiqi, Craig, Megan, Stacey, and Ben.
Times readers of the Los Angeles variety:
Rich, Ellen, Ron, and Ted.
The New York Times got a lot of votes for a question that recent history suggests was a toss-up, more or less, for the top four answers: 24 of the 51 entrants picked answer B. Is this just due to the NYT's higher profile? Or were people just wowed by the journalistic output of the Gray Lady last year?
Missy was the only person who went out on a limb and picked "none of the above," and she came much closer to winning than I thought possible!
Question 11. Events
What rare event will happen in 2011?a. The US conducts an overt military action against North Korea.
b. China conducts an overt military action against Taiwan.
c. Japan announces it has acquired a nuclear weapon.
d. Iran conducts a nuclear weapons test.
e. Osama bin Laden is captured or neutralized.
f. An internationally recognized Palestinian state is established.
g. The United Kingdom announces its intention to join the euro.
h. Any country announces its intention to drop the euro.
i. The US establishes a cap-and-trade system for emissions.
j. BP files for bankruptcy in the US.
k. A magnitude 9.0 earthquake occurs.
l. Higgs-Boson particle is observed to a confidence of five sigma.
Another of the rare events from Question 11 also occurred recently, following up on the magnitude 9.0 earthquake in Japan. It did not get a lot of press, so many of you may not have heard, but Osama bin Laden was neutralized (not captured) a week ago. That means those that chose answer E are now one point richer. The Abbottabad activists:
Leader Board
Congratulations to new co-leader Marcus, who correctly guessed both the Pulitzer Prize victor as well as the daring raid that neutralized the world's most successful terrorist. He joins Ekrem, who retained his position at the top by also guessing the Pulitzer result. Lorraine's brief stint at the top comes to an end, and she drops back to a six-way tie for third place with Cherie, Jo, Russell, Paul, and Pete C., who all advanced one point this month.4 Marcus
4 Ekrem
3 Cherie
3 Jo
3 Russell
3 Lorraine
3 Paul
3 Pete C.
2 Zoe
2 Ron
2 Rich
2 Jan
2 Valerie
2 Ryan
2 Dave
2 Claire&Craig
2 Kevin
2 Ellen
2 Michael
2 Adrian
2 Liz
2 Chris M.
2 Cameron L.
1 Ted
1 Collette
1 Jeff
1 Sarah
1 Chris C.
1 Matthew
1 Tina
1 Rachel H.
1 Beth
1 Grant
1 Janet
1 Todd
1 Cameron M.
1 Rachel F.
1 Zhiqi
1 Katie
1 Missy
1 Larry
1 Craig
1 Megan
1 Stacey
1 Ben
1 Leanne
0 Eric
0 Peter B.
0 Nadir
0 Gloria
0 Keila
If you've scrolled down this far, you also see that not many people still have zero points. Only five have been shut out through the first four months of the year. Good luck to Eric, Peter B., Nadir, Gloria, and Keila in avoiding the embarrassment of finishing dead last in the quiz. It seems like Keila is in particular danger, picking the least bullish tiebreaker in what seems will be a bullish year for the Dow Jones index. Poor Keila.
I think that there should be a special prize for the five of us who picked the Osama question right. I mean, that's HUGE! In any case, I feel like a winner for finally having some points. :)