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2010 Prognostication Quiz, #7 Golf

Poor Tiger. His wife was not as forgiving as Kobe Bryant's when his philandering came to light in the press. And golf is a much more a mental game than basketball. Tiger was unable to regroup after being left by his wife and children, and he was shut out of the four major championships. The last major of the season was two weeks ago, and Tiger finished tied for 28th. That means the answer to Question 7 of the 2010 Prognostication Quiz is E. Tiger will win no championships.

A whopping 31 entrants were so empathetic with Tiger's pain that they were able to predict his lassitude on the links:

Mary C.
Peter II
Mike F.
Chris C.

The 22 of us who thought all the extramarital nookie would energize Tiger this year stand cowed and embarrassed. Ben is especially embarrassed because he is in last place with zero points and an optimistic tiebreaker.


Mitch Miller passed on earlier this month. I am not old enough to have sung along with his television show in the 50's and 60's, but my parents owned several of his LP albums, so I've sung along with his orchestra over the hi-fi.

As he was the third oldest on the list, C. Mitch Miller was a popular choice. Eighteen people hated the "follow the bouncing ball" singalong technique that he popularized enough to envision his demise:

Michael A.

I pointed out last time that Stephanie was the only person to have predicted two deaths correctly. She is now joined by Marcus and Janette with special foresight in this area. Eerily, all three of these seers have taken D. Harry Morgan as their third choice. Tick-tock. Tick-tock.

Leader Board

As I said last time, the two leaders (Craig and Ryan) both thought ill of Tiger this year, but Ryan was unique in also thinking ill of Mitch. That has allowed him to pull away again from Craig.

Joining Craig in second place are Ron and Janette, who have had impressive runs.

6 Ryan
5 Craig
5 Ron
5 Janette
4 Russell
4 Larry
4 Adrian
4 Gloria
4 Missy
3 Rachel H.
3 Mary C.
3 Marcus
3 Stephanie
3 Matthew
3 Rich
3 Zoe
3 Beth K.
3 Carol
3 Janet
2 Ekrem
2 Zhiqi
2 Cameron
2 Jan
2 Megan
2 Liz
2 Leanne
2 Grant
2 Todd
2 Valerie
2 Beth Z.
2 Michael A.
2 Polly
2 Nad
2 Keila
2 Topher
2 Ellen
2 Katie
2 Peter II
2 Cherie
1 Pamela
1 Mike F.
1 Kevin
1 Tina
1 Mary A.
1 Christopher T.
1 Eric
1 Sarah
1 Rachel F.
1 Chris C.
1 Peter
1 Jeff
0 Diane
0 Ben

On Question 8, Ryan and Craig cannot separate further, as they have both chosen D. Ron, however, could catch up with B and Janette could catch up with E. None of the four-pointers (Russell, Larry, Adrian, Gloria, or Missy) picked D either, so they all have a chance to advance to second place. Who will be this year's peace paragon, and why?


  1. Anonymous7:49 PM

    Finally a point! I can die happy now...


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