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2009 Prognostication Quiz: Post 6 of 14, Writing

I have been a bit distracted of late with my recent experiment in fatherhood. I've been so busy blogging about Max that the Prognostication Quiz dipped a bit on my priority list.

Grant thought that the most pressing issue of 2008 was the financial crisis, and thus thought that The Wall Street Journal might pick up some Pulitzers for their writing. Instead, the big winner was the New York Times, lead by the 2008 award for breaking news reporting for its in-depth coverage of the Eliot Spitzer debacle. The Wall Street Journal was shut out.

That means that the answer to Question 6 on the 2009 Prognostication Quiz is A. A whopping 23 (of 43) entrants picked The Times.

At the top of the leaderboard, previous leader Tina guessed B, which allowed four people (Pete C., Ted, Zoe, and Stephanie) to catch up to her four points. Zoe is particularly impressive in this bunch, having recovered from her 0-for-2 start by reeling off a dizzying 4-for-4 run. Katie, Gloria, Leanne, Jeremiah, Heather, Matthew, and Ekrem all have climbed to three points total.

The overall leaderboard:

4 Pete C.
4 Ted
4 Stephanie
4 Zoe
4 Tina
3 Katie
3 Gloria
3 Kevin
3 Jan
3 Leanne
3 Jeremiah
3 Heather
3 Matthew
3 Ekrem

Because The Times was such a popular pick, three of the egregious eight have clawed their way out of the cellar: Russell, Janet, and Janette are now the proud possessors of one point! This leaves behind the fatuous five:

0 Rachel H.
0 Eric
0 Cameron
0 Greg
0 Jeff C.

Question 7 Update:
All answers are still in play, with 8 teams still in the NHL playoffs. It's anyone's game!

Question 8 Update:
The Spurs (D) have been eliminated in the first round of the NBA playoffs. The Cavaliers (B) are the team to beat. Most people picked the Celtics (A) to repeat, but they have been beset by devastating injuries.

Question 9 Update:
Tiger seems to have recovered nicely from surgery last year, but he still failed to win The Masters last month. That eliminates A. Watch for him in the US Open next month!

Question 14 Update:
The possible snow season for Minnesota is coming to a close, and we've had 23.3 inches of snow since the start of the year. That is well below the expected snowfall of 34.5 inches. March in particular was crazy: 10.9 inches was expected, but we only got 1.5 inches in actuality. This gives an edge to those who conservatively guessed A, B, or C.


  1. Shucks! In my entry, I wrote "I'm inclined to favor the Times, but I don't think they've been as aggressive this year as the Post."

    I guess I need to govern from the gut. Not.

  2. At least there are 8 questions left!

  3. fatuous
    –adjective 1. foolish or inane, esp. in an unconscious, complacent manner; silly.

    1. dense, dull, dim-witted. See foolish.

  4. I'm sure you'll get a point eventually, Eric. Don't feel too bad about yourself.

  5. Ellen3:06 PM

    It's tough being "average" with two points in the P.Quiz and not getting my name listed. But much more importantly...Max is really a cutie!

  6. herie mom1:18 PM

    i try again!!
    love mom

  7. cheriemom1:24 PM

    max is my honey pie!!love gramma!!


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