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My Birthday Weekend, Part Two, What!

My birthday weekend continued with a one-night trip to Rivertown Inn, our favorite bed and breakfast in Stillwater. It's the Rivertown Inn, and is run by a local trial lawyer made famous by suing the Catholic Church on behalf of sexual abuse victims. We like it because it is well decorated but not too far over the top and because they have a fancy chef to make haute cuisine breakfasts.

Similar to a lot of such places, the room contained a blank journal for people to fill in with their experiences. There was lots of romantic hogwash, anniversaries and birthdays, with many not-so-veiled references to sex:
Occasionally an interesting entry popped up, such as from this pair of closeted lesbians (click for a larger version):
My favorite entry was this rather cryptic comment:
I was familiar with evarr being the Pirate version of ever, but I had never seen what! used in that manner. Sure enough, though, it's in the Urban Dictionary: "In hop-hop, it's often used as a sort of taunt after a proclamation has been made. South side runnin' this bitch! What!" How odd! And then I heard Kristin use what! in lab later the week in the same way!

We had dinner at the Bayport Cookery, where the featured ingredient was truffles. This ingredient was incorporated into all items on the menu, including both desserts.

What I found particularly funny was that the restaurant also had journals to write in. I've seen such journals at B&Bs or rental cabins, but never at a restaurant before. Some entries were moderately clever:
My entry focused on the truffles:
My entry back at the B&B was just a teaser:
If you are reading this after finding my blog address in the journal in the Rivertown Inn, leave a note in the comments!


  1. Abby and I stayed at a B&B up North on the Old Mission Peninsula, called Chateau Chantal (plug), the weekend of the Kentucky Derby. They had one such book in our suite, and in it I wrote: "It rained all weekend. I played golf in the rain and I shot an 82. While good, it did not make up for the fact that I lost money betting on Eight Belles and that they put her down right there on the track. Very sad. Great wine and fantastic room though. Check out the huge jacuzzi tub!"

  2. Anonymous3:05 PM

    I have a question for you, Ooa. I just received your ultra-masculine thank you card -- thanks for the thank you card. My question is -- why do you sign notes or cards as Michael (and Katie), with the parentheses?

    I guess by signing "Michael", that one is to assume that you automatically mean "and Katie", but then what is the reason for the "(and Katie)"?

    Shouldn't it be either "Michael" with Katie assumed, or "Michael and Katie" to clarify that you would not have picked such an ultra-masculine thank you card with beautiful girly flowers in bloom?

  3. I sign that way to indicate that we both stand behind the words but that I was the one who actually did the writing. I guess now that you point it out I realize it's not really necessary.


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