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The Spurned Woman's China

Again, don't forget to enter the 2009 Prognostication Quiz! As an added enticement, I forgot to say that there will be a prize to the winner! In keeping with tradition started at Eric's party a year ago, the winner will receive a deluxe themed gift bag. Send in your answers now before you forget!

Katie and I have service for ten with the china pattern we chose for our wedding. We had registered for 12, though, and have recently decided to acquire the two extra place settings before the pattern is discontinued. The cheapest way to get the china is to go on eBay. Katie found an auction that had our pattern, the Lenox "Vintage Jewel". Unexpectedly, it was also the angriest eBay posting I had ever come across:

I really don’t want to part with my beautiful Lenox china, but divorce is forcing my hand. This China has NEVER BEEN USED. It sat in a hutch for a year. Then I found out my husband had a major spending problem, $90,000 in debt, 50k of that in CREDIT CARD DEBT. I wondered why he didn’t want to joint our accounts when we married…because he didn’t want me to have any say in how he spent his money. Boy was I blind! So now I have these beautiful pieces sitting in a spare room in their Lenox boxes just waiting. It’s so sad. I really do love them, but this divorce ran me into the ground. Marital debt. Funny how I’m responsible even though there wasn’t one account of his with my name on it. What’s really funny is how his debt is my fault. He would never be in debt if it wasn’t for me. That’s his story, and he’s sticking to it. He sits in the local bars til the wee hours drinking his sorrows away, talking to any poor soul who can bare to listen to him for hours on end. At three in the morning, I doubt they are very coherent. What’s really sad is it is actually my fault. My fault meaning I should have seen this coming a mile away. I knew he declared personal bankruptcy before, but then it was his ex’s fault (I believed him!!). Of course, he could never take the blame for anything. We live and we learn. What I’m really finding humor in is learning how he is posting on Craigslist looking for women who don’t want the relationship, only want to mess around. His biggest gripe when we were together was married people cheating on their spouses. First woman he was with after me...married. Hypocrite. I guess he has a problem with responsiblity. I was blind. But that doesn’t mean these beautiful dishes should stay hidden away in their boxes. Someone deserves them.
I feel guilty profiting from the poor woman's misery, but how can we pass up this incredible bargain? Will this plague us in the same way that a pawn shop wedding band might?


  1. Micheal,
    I just wanted to let you know how much I've enjoyed reading your blog. Happy New Year!

  2. Hmmm. I bet there are some deals on other stuff that she's selling. I'm going to go check.


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