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I feel like a cocaine addict

Michael: Sometimes I feel like a cocaine addict. I like to take 100 mg of caffeine in the afternoon, but my pills are 200 mg. That means I need to split them. I typically split a pill on the counter with my pocketknife. I put one half pill back in the bottle and swallow the other half with water. But there's a fine white powder left on the counter from the cutting procedure. I wipe it up with a finger and then lick the finger. Can't let any coke go to waste!

Katie: Coke and caffeine are certainly similar. :)

Michael: Maybe someday I'll upgrade from my pocketknife and the counter to a straight-edge razor blade and a pocket mirror and really freak people out.

Katie: Does anyone ever see you?

Michael: Not usually. I am known as "the pill guy" though, for my proliferation of Coenzyme Q10, fish oil, multivitamins, ibuprofen, and caffeine bottles.

Katie: People say "the pill guy"? Sad!

Michael: Every now and again someone will happen upon me downing some pills and say, "Oh, so you're the pill guy!"

Katie: When Libby and I were in Virginia, there was this older man with a big zip lock bag of pill bottles at breakfast at the B&B. We made fun of him. :)

Michael: Older people get a break, since they're often on lots of medications for heart, diabetes, etc.

Katie: Well, he got no break from us.

Michael: Sad.

Katie: I guess you probably don't mind being the pill guy.

Michael: I do not mind being the pill guy. I am hard to embarrass.

I actually have a friend (Ekrem) who once thought it would be fun to actually snort powdered pharmaceutical caffeine. He and his goofy high school friends ground up a bunch of caffeine pills and snorted them. I can't remember the hilarity that eventually ensued. It might have involved modifying the rules to a board game in some strange way. Perhaps he would be persuaded to enlighten us in the comments!


  1. > Katie: Coke and caffeine are certainly similar. :)

    Coke *is* my caffeine. Or rather my source thereof.

    AP and I still tell the Ekrem Vivarin story. Never fails to amuse and entertain at any social gathering.

  2. Anonymous8:11 PM

    My recollection of the Ekrem/Vivarin story is that some sort of major high school project was involved (hence the desire to pull an all-nighter).

    My parents down bags of pills each day, too, but almost none are they're definitely "pill people."

  3. This was the same high school friend who got duct taped to the wall of the pit, right?

  4. Anonymous7:48 PM

    It was actually a different friend from the one who got duct-taped to the wall.

    And I could be mistaken, but I don't think there was any late-night schoolwork involved, just late-night boredom and silliness. :)


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