8. Nobels There are six Nobel Prizes: Physics, Chemistry, Physiology or Medicine, Literature, Peace, and Economic Sciences. They can each be awarded to as many as three people, so it is pretty special when a Nobel Prize is given to a single individual (with the exception of the Literature Prize, which is usually awarded to a single individual). How often will that happen this year? (The total number of times each has happened this millennium is indicated.) How many Nobel prizes will be awarded to a single individual? a. One (4) b. Two (9) c. Three (3) d. Zero, Four, Five, or Six (0) The Nobel Prize in Literature went to Kazuo Ishiguro, and the Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel went to Richard Thaler (above). This means the answer to Question 8 of the 2017 Prognostication Quiz is B. In rough proportion to the historical expectation, 13 entrants chose A, 23 chose B, and 2 chose C. Sveriges Riksbankers...