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Showing posts from August, 2011

Calvin's first three months

By popular demand (viz. Leanne) here are a bunch of cute baby pictures. Prepare for the happy! 0.2 months: Sorry I'm a little yellow. The bilirubin was still on its way out. 0.3 months: Maxwell is very gentle holding my hand. 0.5 months: Don't you wish you could still get away with sleeping 20 hours a day? 0.8 months: Not sure why I don't get to wear bright colors. 0.8 months: Daddy drills me every day on my penmanship. 1.0 months: Daddy doesn't look as tired as he is feeling. 1.0 months: Posing for the camera. 1.4 months: Maxwell likes to give me hugs. 1.5 months: I'm a little grumpy today. 1.7 months: Family photo. Maxwell taught me how not to look at the camera. 2.0 months: I love how the Minnesota grass has been so green for my entire life. 2.2 months: Bathtime with Mommy. 2.4 months: Hanging out in the vibrating bouncy chair. 2.7 months: Maxwell orchestrates a brother-brother nap in the living room.

2011 Prognostication Quiz: Question 8, Golf

Question 8, Golf. Tiger Woods has won 14 Major Championships in the past 14 years, but he has not won any in the past two years. Will he ever win again? Or is he washed up? Pick only one answer. (Ties are possible.) Which Major Championship will Tiger win? a. the Masters in April (4) b. the US Open in June (3) c. the British Open in July (3) d. the PGA Championship in August (4) e. Tiger will win no Championships Tiger had an awful year and didn't even make the cut for the PGA Championship last weekend. This will not surprise the 19 entrants who realized that Tiger was no longer capable of finding his happy place. This makes the answer to Question 8 in the 2011 Prognostication Quiz e. Tiger will win no Championships . The Elin sympathizers: Jo Marcus Ryan Adrian Jeff Jan Liz Ron Matthew Grant Megan Tina Zhiqi Rachel H. Cameron M. Rachel F. Craig Stacey Gloria The 19 votes for this question was the biggest voting bloc of the entire quiz for...