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2011 Prognostication Quiz, #4 Football

The sixth-seed Green Bay Packers defeated all of their conference rivals and then went on to prevail over the Pittsburgh Steelers in the Super Bowl. Quarterback Aaron Rodgers was awarded the honor of Most Valuable Player as he threw for 304 yards and three touchdowns. Kudos to the six whose underdog pick worked out!

Honorary Cheeseheads

Pete C.

One of the saddest things about the Packers winning was my grad school friend Sarah. She is a huge Packers fan, but did not think that Aaron Rodgers was quite good enough to pull his team all the way to the championship. She decided to play it safe and pick the favored Patriots. She must have felt especially awful when Green Bay won it all despite her lack of faith. Adding insult to injury was the fact that her mother Collette never lost the Packer faith and has now scored her first point. Sarah will be tormented for all eternity in the ninth circle of hell along with arch-betrayers Brutus and Cassius (who also have zero points).

Leader Board

Congratulations to Dave and Pete C. for joining Paul and Ekrem at the top of the leader board! Dave is off to an early lead in his first quiz, while Pete C. is no stranger to the leader board (though he took a hiatus last year).

2 Dave
2 Paul
2 Pete C.
2 Ekrem
1 Collette
1 Jeff
1 Rich
1 Valerie
1 Ryan
1 Rachel H.
1 Russell
1 Marcus
1 Kevin
1 Missy
1 Lorraine
1 Larry
1 Leanne
1 Chris M.
1 Cameron L.
0 Ted
0 Zoe
0 Ron
0 Cherie
0 Sarah
0 Chris C.
0 Jan
0 Matthew
0 Tina
0 Jo
0 Beth
0 Eric
0 Grant
0 Janet
0 Todd
0 Peter B.
0 Cameron M.
0 Rachel F.
0 Zhiqi
0 Katie
0 Claire&Craig
0 Ellen
0 Michael
0 Nadir
0 Craig
0 Gloria
0 Megan
0 Keila
0 Adrian
0 Stacey
0 Ben
0 Liz

Question 5 Update

The prediction markets have Ekrem and The King's Speech as a 5-to-1 favorite over Pete C. and The Social Network to win the Best Picture Oscar on February 27. (Dave and Paul are 50-to-1 underdogs with 127 Hours.) Stay tuned!


  1. I am hanging my head in shame. Never again will I doubt Aaron Rodgers' football prowess. Long live the Green and Gold! and when does training camp start?


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