We used to have a large coffee table in our living room that had lots of sharp corners. Now that Max is more mobile, we decided to swap in something smaller (giving him more room to maneuver) and softer. The ottoman we chose has nice storage for toys, too.
A few days back, Max was playing around and climbed into the storage bin all by himself. He seemed quite delighted in the chest and played in there for quite some time. I caught video toward the end of this. In addition to being cute while sitting and playing, watch for some of his other current cute moves. At 1:55, he demonstrates how much he loves hearing his voice modulated. We provide a hand to help him out. At 3:15 Max shows how good he is at pulling himself up to stand against a piece of furniture. He is also quite adept at climbing stairs. It's all happening so fast! He had just started crawling a couple weeks ago!
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