Miss Virginia Caressa Cameron is the new Miss America. She did not deign to list merely "vocal" as her talent, choosing instead to hawk her singing talent as "vocal pop." She did not disappoint, performing pop diva Beyoncé's "Listen" from Dreamgirls . That means that the answer to Question 2 of the 2010 Prognostication Quiz is B. Some very special variety of vocal . These folks correctly surmised that the judges would not reward just plain vocals this year: Topher Ryan Janette Rachel H. Cameron Beth Z. Larry Beth K. Adrian Nad If you took part in last year's quiz, you should give three hearty cheers to Rachel H. She was shut out of the scoring last year, so her first point is particularly exciting this year. Death We have our first "official" passing. A. Miep Gies passed on earlier this year, but before the entry deadline, so it didn't count. But Z. J.D. Salinger met his maker last week. That made winners of five people who guessed...