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2009 Prognostication Quiz: Posts 7 and 8 of 14, Hockey and Hoops

In quick succession, the Pittsburgh Penguins won the Stanley Cup and the Los Angeles Lakers won the NBA Championship. That means that the 2009 Prognostication Quiz passes the halfway mark! The answer to Question 7 is E. Another Eastern Conference Team, and the answer to Question 8 is C. Los Angeles Lakers.

Penguin peeps

Jeff C.

Laker lasses & laddies

Jeff B.
Peter M.

Notable performances

The big change on the leader board is that Ted and Zoe (a couple in real life) have clawed their way to the top. Ted predicted the Penguins triumph, while Zoe was rooting for the Lakers. Now they share the overall lead with 5 points.

I hope that they don't stay together at the top, since they also happened to choose exactly the same tiebreaker (aww, how cute!) - 59.0 inches of snow in Minnesota. Some separation may happen already in the question 9. Zoe is predicting that Tiger will win the US Open this coming weekend. Ted is cautiously predicting Tiger will be shut out of major championships this year.

Also, snaps to Ben, who is 3-for-3 since April, including both hockey and basketball.


5 Zoe
5 Ted
4 Pete C.
4 Tina
4 Stephanie
4 Matthew
4 Ben
3 Grant
3 Leanne
3 Katie
3 Pamela
3 Heather
3 Liz
3 Kevin
3 Ekrem
3 Jeremiah
3 Gloria
3 Jan
3 Jeff B.
3 Peter M.
3 Marcus

Congratulations to Eric, Cameron, Jeff C. and Greg for getting their first point of the year! That leaves just one person alone in the basement with no points: Rachel H. Sadly, her guesses on questions 9, 12, and 14 are looking unlikely. That leaves the relative toss-ups of questions 10 and 11 or her prediction of D on question 13 (she'll advance if the Dow stays where it is right now) as her best chance to avoid being blanked for the year.

Rachel H. and Janette have also joined Cameron in being mathematically eliminated from winning the Quiz. Better luck next year!


  1. mean I haven't been mathematically eliminated yet? Too bad Jeff got one right, eh?

  2. Anonymous11:34 PM

    Ah! Any chance of some kind of shoot the moon thing?

  3. Ellen, if you go 6-for-6 to end the quiz, you'll have 8 points and easily beat out the four people with 6 points! Rachel, I think there's something to be said for declaring you the overall winner if you somehow succeded in getting a zero for the year in a shoot-the-moon rule. No fair springing new rules on everyone, now, though!


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