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Showing posts from October, 2016

2016 Prognostication Quiz - Question 9, Nobels

9. Nobels (October) There are six Nobel Prizes: Physics, Chemistry, Physiology or Medicine, Literature, Peace, and Economic Sciences. They can each be awarded to as many as three people, so it is pretty special when a Nobel Prize is given to a single individual (with the exception of the Literature Prize, which is usually awarded to a single individual). How often will that happen this year? (The total number of times each has happened this millennium is indicated.) How many Nobel prizes will be awarded to a single individual? a. One (4) b. Two (9) c. Three (3) d. Zero, Four, Five, or Six (0) Nobels for Physics and Chemistry went to trios, and Economics was a duo, leaving Physiology/Medicine ( Yoshinori Ohsumi),  Literature (Bob Dylan), and Peace (Juan Manuel Santos) to solo performances. This means the answer to Question 9  of the  2016 Prognostication Quiz  is C. We've had a lot of favorites win this year, leading to large scores. Here, we get an underdog t...

2016 Prognostication Quiz, Question 8

8. Olympics (August 21) The 30th summer Olympic games take place in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil this year. China won the most medals for the first time ever in 2008, but that may have been due in part to its home-field advantage in Beijing. All other summer Olympics since 1936, the top spot has always gone to either the United States or Russia/U.S.S.R. The number of medals won at the 2012 games in London, England is indicated. Who will win the most medals? a. United States (104) b. China (88) c. Russia (82) d. Any other country There was no denying the United States. It crushed the competition, garnering 121 medals compared to China's 70 and Great Britain's 67. (Thanks to a large number of Russian athletes being disqualified from competition, Russia only managed fourth place, with 56.) T his means that the correct answers to Question 8 of the  2016 Prognostication Quiz  is A. 37 out of the 46 entrants sniffed out Team USA's strong position. That's almost as m...