9. Nobels (October) There are six Nobel Prizes: Physics, Chemistry, Physiology or Medicine, Literature, Peace, and Economic Sciences. They can each be awarded to as many as three people, so it is pretty special when a Nobel Prize is given to a single individual (with the exception of the Literature Prize, which is usually awarded to a single individual). How often will that happen this year? (The total number of times each has happened this millennium is indicated.) How many Nobel prizes will be awarded to a single individual? a. One (4) b. Two (9) c. Three (3) d. Zero, Four, Five, or Six (0) Nobels for Physics and Chemistry went to trios, and Economics was a duo, leaving Physiology/Medicine ( Yoshinori Ohsumi), Literature (Bob Dylan), and Peace (Juan Manuel Santos) to solo performances. This means the answer to Question 9 of the 2016 Prognostication Quiz is C. We've had a lot of favorites win this year, leading to large scores. Here, we get an underdog t...