In my recent blog post about an economic experiment in Washington, DC. My anti-union rant received four wonderful replies in the comments and through email, each excoriating me in their own way. My wife added her vituperation later in the evening. I love the debate, and will here respond to my critics. I should first say that I did not mean to say that the teacher's union is the only problem in primary and secondary education. I realize some might have thought that when I wrote "I think it is a travesty that the U.S. . . . trails most of the first world when it comes to primary and secondary education. I think the problem is the teacher's union." That was a bit strong! I meant to say that I think that's the biggest problem that might be amenable to change via government intervention in economic incentives. Adrian mentions a number of things that he would list as bigger problems (with Leanne chiming in agreement): general public apathy, commodification of educat...